Integrated Quality Certification Private Ltd.
IQC has been established to provide impartial, independent and reliable management system certification services with value added benefits and enhancing organizational knowledge, where focus is on rendering cost effective services and make a difference to the interested parties.
All members of IQC family firmly believe in customer focus during service delivery process and follow the path of Vision, Creation and Discussion to add value to the customer product, processes and resources.
IQC leadership look beyond the horizon of time and into the future to build trust and strengthen relationship with all the interested parties associated with training and certification services.
Each member of IQC practices exemplary leadership to:
- Establish principles
- Demonstrate that they can make a difference
- Search for opportunities to change
- Understand mutual respect and build spirited team
- Share rewards of the efforts
The result of the exemplary leadership is a dynamic and efficient organization with focus on continuous improvement of procedures and processes, improved services to customers at all times and enhancing the IQC integrated network.
IQC is established with committed and competent resources to provide following services:
- Accredited Management Systems certification services
- Unaccredited Management Systems certification, where IQC is not accredited
- Training on Management Systems Standards, QA/QC, HR and soft skills
- Project Management
- Technical (Process and Product) audit
IQC is managed by a group of professionals having vast experience in Quality Assurance, Quality Control and Management Systems certification viz., Quality Management Systems, Environmental Management Systems, Occupational Health and Safety Management systems, Food Safety Management systems, Information Security Management Systems, Medical Devices Quality Management Systems, Anti-bribery Management Systems, HACCP, GMP, GHP, ISO 10002, ISO 30000 & BC Kosher Certification with a commitment to provide non-discriminatory, integrated, independent and impartial services to customers.
IQC has implemented documented management systems, meeting the requirements of ISO / IEC 17021-1, ISO 22003, ISO 27006 and MD-09 for providing independent management system certification services.
IQC is accredited by National Accreditation Board for Certification Bodies (NABCB), India, Joint Accreditation System of Australia & New Zealand (JAS-ANZ), Australia & NewZealand and International Accreditation Service (IAS), United States of America. NABCB, JAS-ANZ and IAS are members of IAF-Multilateral Recognition Arrangement (MLA), and APAC recognizing the equivalence of other members’ accreditation to their own.
IQC maintains customer focus, service credibility and provide independent, impartial, value added and cost effective management system certification services.
IQC major thrust is to provide accredited certification in several countries through a global network of offices and regional partnership agreements utilizing local resources. With an ambitious growth strategies, IQC plans to seek multiple accreditations in countries where it is technically and commercially viable.